Year of birth: 1994.
Your education: Naive art is created by artists without formal education in the field, which is why I consider myself part of this movement. The only training I had on my creative journey was watching a 30-second YouTube video on how to hold a palette knife.
Describe your art in three words: Texture, color, depth.
Your discipline: Oil painting.
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How did you start your journey in naive art?

Since childhood, I have been interested in painting. I looked at artists’ works with admiration, actively visited galleries, and collected books about artists. My favorites are Vincent Van Gogh, Salvador Dali, and Frida Kahlo. My creative journey as an artist began in March 2022. At that time, I left my job, where I had worked for the past five years, and I had time, energy, and resources to try something new. I chose painting, something I had always dreamed of but was afraid to try. While creating my first work, I realized how much I enjoyed it; it filled me up and captivated my attention. But the most significant discovery was that I had a talent for it.

Kseniia Stern | Kiss | 2022

Can you describe your creative process when working with oil and a palette knife?

At the beginning of my creative journey, I used a palette to mix colors to get the desired shade. However, over time, I realized that the best shades are created directly on the canvas. So, I just take the colors I need and mix them right on the canvas with palette knives to achieve the shade that resonates with my inner vision.

How do you choose the themes and subjects for your artworks?

I draw the themes for my paintings from my internal experiences, feelings, and life events, as well as from my travels. Some of my paintings have come to me during meditation or in dreams. Interestingly, I have had several remarkable experiences related to Dubai. For instance, after painting certain scenes, they manifested in real life. For example, I have a painting called “Awakening,” featuring a pink-blue spiral as the background and main element. I saw an identical spiral from my hotel room window during a trip to the UAE a few days after painting it—an illuminated Ferris wheel, Ain Dubai, which looked the same as in my painting. Another example is my painting “Meditation,” which depicts a flight over the sea and city, referencing my spontaneous helicopter ride over Palm Jumeirah.

Kseniia Stern | Attraction | 2022

Can you explain the significance of the techniques you use, such as impasto, strokes, and gradient?

Impasto is my favorite technique for applying oil and my signature style. It gives the painting texture and volume, making it deep and vibrant, capturing the viewer’s attention. This technique invites viewers to explore the plot and color depth. I use strokes sparingly, only in certain elements where impasto would be “excessive.” With impasto, I create smooth transitions of shades, while “rough” strokes allow me not to mix colors, showing the viewer the contrast of adjacent shades. I use gradient or color stretching mainly as a background for the sky or water, in scenes where a subtle application of oil does not distract from the key elements of the painting.

How does your work in the Olive Marketing Agency influence your artistic practice?

Rather, my artistic practice influences my work in marketing. Our agency provides a full range of marketing services, including design and website development. My experience in branding and artistic awareness helps me improve the quality and speed of our work in these areas.

Kseniia Stern | Pool | 2022

What advice would you give to aspiring artists who want to explore naive art?

Listen to yourself and your desires. Do you genuinely want to do this? It is essential to ask this question in any activity. If your answer is “Yes” and you gain a lot of energy from creating art, it fills you up, makes you happier, and brings inner harmony, then you are on the right path. Be patient, keep doing what you love, and do what you can, and your audience will notice and appreciate you.

Is Kseniia Stern your pseudonym?

My name is Ksenia Konovalova, but I use the pseudonym Kseniia Stern in my artistic practice. The first name is just translated into English, as it is the international language that helps us communicate worldwide. Stern, translated from German, means star. I was born on July 17 and have been interested in esotericism since childhood. Seventeen is the arcana of the Star, representing creativity, which is why I chose this “surname.” Additionally, 17 is my lucky number.

Kseniia Stern | Excitement | 2022

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