M. Veronica Hillesheim

Where do you live: I reside in Arizona.
Your education: I am self taught, and I hope always learning.

Your work often incorporates different materials such as metal and gold leaf. What inspired you to start experimenting with these materials?

I think I have always been an old soul.  I refinished furniture, and one day came across a picture frame with layers of paint.  It was beautifully constructed, and French in style.  I removed the paint, saw areas that had residue of gold leaf.  Researching the process just started my interest in metal, gold and silver leaf.

How do your Midwest roots and current residence in Arizona influence your art?

Whether it’s the changing seasons in Minnesota, or the copper mines and rock of Arizona, surroundings and nature are always a influence.

You mentioned that old buildings and history speak to you. Can you share a specific experience or memory that has particularly influenced your work?

It is difficult to put in words.  Sometimes it’s just a under current of energy. Sometimes it’s right in your face.  An example, I stayed at a old hotel.  We put our things in the room, left.  Returned immediately because we forgot something.  No one else entered the room.  When we opened the door, the room was filled with a perfume smell.  Nothing like what is on the market today, and I don’t wear perfume . It was very strange.  At any rate , I love old buildings and houses.  I keep old pottery shards on my work bench.  Some are large enough to mix my paint in.  I like to think this helps inspire me.

How do you decide which medium to use for a particular piece? What factors influence your choice of materials?

I might choose a medium to convey feeling or emotion.  For cold I would use blue/gray/white and maybe silver leaf.  For warmth copper metal or leaf.  Perhaps gold.  My intuition will guide me.

What role does nature play in your creative process? Do you have any favorite natural subjects that you return to often in your work?

Trees, corn fields, wheat fields are probably my favorite natural influences.

Can you tell us about a piece of art from another artist that has deeply influenced you and why?

Many artists inspire me. I think Vincent might be on top.  Van Gogh’s work is so intense, I am very drawn to it.  The Night Cafe is a favorite. There is one painting though, that I am so curious about. It is the Skull With The Burning Cigarette.  I wonder what his thoughts were when he painted it.

What advice would you give to aspiring artists who are just beginning to explore their creativity?

I have only one piece of practical advice for aspiring artists.  While it is liberating to work on large canvas, keep in mind how difficult it is to pack, to ship or store.  Every thing else is each artists personal journey.

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