Leszy (Paulina Andraszak)


What first drew you to animals as a subject for your art?

I am huge fan of animals, and it brings me joy to capture their goofy side.

Can you tell us about the creative process behind your animal illustrations?

Honestly, most of the time, there is no process. I just sit down and illustrate the first idea that comes to my mind, often starting with sketches and then choosing the best one. Though I often end up starting new sketch, admist illustrating, because something doesn’t sit right. My most recent works were created for the 30 days of animals challenge I did for myself, each day I would get different prompt I wrote for myself and few times I ended up redrawing the same animal I finished hours or minutes before.

Paulina Andraszak | Come On, Human! | 2024

How do you decide whether to create a more detailed drawing or a playful, silly doodle?

As for works I’m doing for myself, it depends on my mood, but I often go with the silliest doodles, because ability to show animals in playful settings brings me the most joy. Of course, sometimes I challange myself to create the most detailed illustration I can at the moment, but I don’t like to pressure myself, when I don’t feel it.

How do animals, and their expressions or gestures, influence the emotions you aim to convey in your work?

I focus on their behavior and exaggerate it in my works, hence the creation of “Singing doggo”. If the dog barks or howl, why not see it as singing? Basically I pick an animal, I exaggerate its behaviour, I draw a silly doodle and at the end you laugh looking at it

Paulina Andraszak | Christmas Cat | 2024

How do you believe art, specifically your animal illustrations, can impact someone’s day or mood?

I use colors that can be mostly associated with positive emotions, sometimes all someone needs is to see red dog showing off his blue boots and his day is already better.

You mention needing at least 10 coffees before starting your work – do you have a specific ritual or routine to help you get into the creative flow?

I like to start day by drinking coffee and whenever I have to work on something I drink second one, it helps me focus. I can hardly sit in silence, so I always listen to something in the background, be it podcast or music.

Paulina Andraszak | Doggo in Boots | 2024

Which animal has been the most fun for you to illustrate, and why?

That’s a though question, because all animals are fun to illustrate, but the most fun is…shark. I personally love them and they are so different to draw than more common animals and it lets me explore unique settings for them.

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