Olia Breva discovered her artistic vision in early childhood. When she was 8, one of her artworks was chosen for an exhibition in Japan. She entered an art school six years later, which she successfully completed. Despite her calling for the art sphere, Olia got a master’s degree in economics. However, her innate passion has always pulled her back to the artist pathway: Olia continued to master her creative skills in the studios of academic artists, taking classes and practicing. She tries herself in various formats: painting, graphics, interior design, and architectural solutions. Olia Breva believes that self-development is the key quality for all creative professions and that she is constantly evolving as an artist. You can see her as a painter whose life is connected to art. She is always searching for new ways to express herself and find meaning.
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How would you describe your art?

This is delirium in poetic dreams. The delirium of my bottomless consciousness, which I can’t get out of. The illusory world that my paintings represent is the embodiment of dreams and memories. We reach out to the souls from the past and present through the canvas. In subtle, transparent color combinations, their features come out of the air in quiet thoughtfulness. The colorful feature of my perception of reality and spiritual depths, prone to expressive symbolism, gives rise to all these paintings and graphics. Sometimes my art scares me, sometimes it makes me happy. Occasionally, I’m afraid to look at my picture, so I hide it behind the curtains, but I don’t rule out the possibility that the characters will appear in real life and have a lively conversation with me.

What is rebellious, unconventional, and unusual in your creations?

During my work, I immerse myself in the worlds of my painting, pushing apart the spaces in the subconscious. I am unable to evaluate my work objectively. I have this theme that doesn’t lend itself to being told. It is part of my soul, my path. This is part of my life. And this is poetic nonsense, and what is unconventional rebellion, only the viewer can judge and evaluate.

What makes your art different?

My art is unique because I see the world, people, and everything invisible from a certain angle. I find symbols and archetypes of the feminine in the surrounding reality and everyday life. My art is the art of my creative visions. It is wild and poetic, but at the same time, it is close to me in spirit. This is my world of illusions and colorful metamorphoses.

Did your creative path have a thoughtful direction, or did it gradually develop in any direction?

At first, I didn’t set any limits; I just pushed them apart and did everything I could to make them go away. When the brain explodes, what do the eyes look like? Do they run, spin, or jump out of their orbits? What types of sounds are accompanied by this? Are the canvases dry or do they leak? Do you think this direction is the best one? I love this state because it gives me the opportunity to create. I love to create.

What artists have influenced your art?

I am inspired by new trends in art and design. I keep an eye on cool new art shows and concepts. Some don’t fit into my model of the world order, but I try to feel and understand this modern rhythm of time. Because this is the future. The article is not enough to list those creators who are important to me. In my opinion, both old and new painters, as well as true creators, require observation.

What is the project you are currently working on?

I work on myself. This is my biggest project. I am progressing as a person and as an artist. I hope this helps in my work. Currently, I’m preparing for several solo shows in Dubai and Cyprus.

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