Year of birth: 1991.
Where do you live: Los Angeles.
Your education: B.F.A. in Art History and Film Studies from The College of Charleston as well as completing post graduate courses at UCLA for directing and Central Saint Martins for photography.
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Your work has a distinct cinematic quality. Can you describe how your background in film production influences your photography?

My experiences in production have deeply inspired my desire for storytelling. Similar to frames in film and tv, I like when an image strikes the viewer in a way that makes them have some sort of reaction. 

Natural light plays a significant role in your photographs. What draws you to this lighting choice, and how does it affect the mood of your images?

Natural light is time sensitive and has a mood of it’s own. I find the challenge there to be inviting because it is constantly changing and moving in the space you are shooting. 

You shoot exclusively on Kodak 35mm film. What are the advantages and challenges of using this medium in your work?

Film is temperamental and I enjoy that. It provides an element of inventiveness and unknown up until the point of when the images are developed. Some of my favorite pieces have transpired out of happy accidents with film. One time I shot a role of expired film and the photos came out the perfect amount of ghostly. 

Can you share any specific experiences or projects that have significantly shaped your artistic vision?

Shooting stills on set continues to bring me joy because my artistic vision is ever changing. I think all artists seek new sources of expressiveness and for me that is through collaboration with other creatives.

What has been the most challenging shoot you’ve done, and how did you overcome the obstacles?

I did a shoot that was underwater! The heavy (and expensive) camera equipment made it even tricker but I used a large clear plastic tub to help protect the precious cargo. The end result made it worth the challenge!

What advice would you give to aspiring photographers who want to incorporate cinematic elements into their work?

Spend time on set! Connect with other types of artists and welcome collaboration.

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