Can you tell us about your journey as an artist?

It has been interesting time actually. My artist journey has never been easy. Many professional artists do not call or categorise me as artist because I am ‘self-taught artist’ and I do not live on doing art. I haven’t sold many arts to support my family yet. However, I do believe that artists can be in may ways. Many traditional artists believes their ways is better as artist. But we are in different century now. Cost of living is sky-rocketed and not many people have jobs that they really like. Likely I have both. (To ethical boundary, I keep confidential about what I do for living). If people believe that they are artist, I respect that. I do create different forms of arts so I do think I’m.artist though. Sorry if it’s off topic.

Art_L0wie2y | Fit in boxes…

What inspired you to start creating art?

My grand father and my mother are good at drawing. When I grew up with my mum drawing, Yes I learnt how to draw quickly.

My mum is minimalist so she doesn’t like to have toys at home. My mum always tell me ‘if you don’t have one, you make one’. So when I was little, went to library to borrow art and craft book. Then me n my mum spent time to creating toys or something. I do appreciate my mum teaching me this.

I spent lots of time outside observing cloud, playing with nature’s which give me curiosity to the world. When I wanted to do quite time, I tended to spend time drawing or painting even when I was little.

In traditional Japanese culture, people are taught to respect others by listening and keeping own opinion inside. Because of this, I tend to struggle with verbal expression. However, I utilise art as my expression and communication in older age.

I do enjoy art as therapeutic purposes too. As older age as professional, it is not easy work to work with communities and people who are in need.

Art_L0wie2y | Grow in dark

How has your experience of “being different” influenced your artwork?

It is every single experience I’d say. In many cultures, being in Group is the important to feel belonging.

When I was as little as I was 5 years old, I was chasing after different people. When I was in primary school, I saw a girl with hearing aid and used hands to communicate. So I borrowed dictionary to learn and communicate with the girl.

In middle school, I had tough time. I was bullied because I was more fair skin than other Japanese girls, I didn’t have some trend brand clothes or bags for school, so on. At the same time, issue with family, relationship with friends, mental health which struggled to sleep, pressure at school and not doing well at school.

I have had quite good experiences which now I was kind of glad that I experienced. Because I can feel other people who struggle.

My art is very different from one to another. I haven’t set my style yet. But I have also learned n enjoyed exploring different styles.

You mentioned that your art draws inspiration from personal experiences and social issues. Can you share a specific piece that reflects this?

All of my artworks are inspired by my personal experiences.

Art_L0wie2y | Beauty in quirkiness

What was it like to have your work exhibited in international galleries such as in London and New York?

It was unreal. I started sharing my artworks to challenge. Then, Horly Art Gallery, Art House NY, and Arteom gallery love my artworks.

I’m so thrilled to be in some of exhibitions with other amazing artists. I am still can’t believe my arts were there.

You use a variety of materials and art styles. Do you have a preferred medium, and why?

I love oil pastel because it can be blended. I can create many different forms. I like medium because I feel comfortable too I guess.

Art_L0wie2y | On my way…

How do you incorporate themes of minority groups and social justice into your art?

So I create art which are bit controversial, such as gay right, war, mental health. Then I share the art though social media or big exhibition to tell the world. When I post them on social media, I use additional stories to express how important it is.

What message do you hope people take away from your artwork?

Be opened mind. I do not force everyone to like my art.


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