Marie-Thérèse Drelon

Year of birth: 1955.
Where do you live: I live in Boulogne-Billancourt close to Paris – France.
Your education: in art, I am self-taught – Otherwise, I have followed studies in Philosophy/Humanities.
Describe your art in three words: surrealist – refined – stylish.
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What initially inspired you to start creating collages, and how did you know that it was your true artistic path?

I went to an exhibition of a friend of mine, where there was painting, watercolor and collages. When I saw the collage, I said myself it’s exactly what I wanted to do. It is my true artistic path because I found that it was the better way to show the absurdity, without logic.

How does collage allow you to break free from the constraints of traditional painting techniques?

In collage, 3-dimensional effect, depth of field, are not important. On the contrary, the less you respect the contraints, better it will be. That is what I like. Break the rules. It’s nonconformist.

Can you explain the role of chance in your creative process? How does it influence the final composition of your works?

Chance is very important in my creative process. I don’t premeditate my paintings. It’s an association of ideas. I don’t never know which painting I am going to do. It’s a question of inspiration.

The chance is about 90% of my art. It’s very spontaneous. That gives a lot of freshness.

You mentioned that your universe is surrealism. How do you define surrealism in your own artistic practice?

Surrealism is the imagination without limit. To put together things without relation between them, to shock the mind. That doesn’t let indifferent.

What is your process for selecting visuals from magazines and other sources for your collages?

It’s instinctive. When I see a visual, I know immediately if I I will be able to use it or not.

How do you balance your imagination with the materials you work with, especially when using everyday objects and discarded materials?

Things get done by doing. I try different things, and, at the end, I found the good idea.

How has your experience with watercolor and acrylic painting influenced your collage work, if at all?

Not at all. None influence, may be the color. I have more the sense of color. I am careful with the color, to have a good work. 

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