Year of birth: 1998.
Describe your art in three words: dead symbolism art.
Your discipline: graphics.
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Your art appears to be deeply emotional, drawing from challenging moments in life. How do you process these emotions to create your artwork?

Navigating through challenging times, I experience a full spectrum of emotions. However, I do not allow these emotions to overwhelm me. Instead, I view my experiences from a detached perspective, as if observing them from the outside. My paintings are a constant companion, serving as a visual representation of my emotional journey. They do not define who I am, but rather serve as a tangible reminder of my experiences, allowing me to maintain a physical connection to them.

What does the symbolism in your pieces mean to you personally? Do you believe that viewers should interpret them in their own way, or is there a particular message you want to convey?

Symbolism is a way of expression that conveys the idea that a work of art is something that can be embodied in a person’s life or is already present, although it does not exist. My paintings, for example, depict skeletons, skulls and bones, which are tangible elements. However, the way I depict and intertwine them in my compositions helps to convey that each work of art carries its own plot.

Svyat Nes | Cluster

You mentioned that your art is created “without imperfections of the flesh.” How do you translate this idea into your acrylic works?

The concept of «without imperfections of the flesh» is a metaphorical phrase that can be interpreted literally when examining the works of artists who depict skeletons and skulls devoid of flesh. These imperfections can refer to aspects that may not align with our preferences or expectations in others. They can manifest both externally and internally.

What role does acrylic paint play in your creative expression? Do you explore other media, or is acrylic your primary tool?

The acrylic dries swiftly, serving as a testament to the irreversibility of events. Everything we undertake becomes an integral part of history in an instant. During particularly challenging times in my life, I sometimes create bas-relief sculptures in the form of skulls, which allows me to fully engage with the art.

Svyat Nes | Hive

How do you manage the relationship between the painful emotions that inspire your work and the sense of comfort you mention that comes from creating?

The ordeal associated with overcoming difficult periods inevitably leaves an indelible mark. In the most desperate moments, I create an image in my memory, from which I start to regain my composure. It is often difficult for me to recognize the transition from suffering and torment to a state of calm that comes after the experience.

What do you hope viewers feel or understand when they see your work?

I’ve always wondered how people perceive my artwork. But when I see someone looking at them, I wonder: what does he think of the author of these works? If a person looks at a sign with the name and a series of works, he can understand that this is my work. But even if this does not help him realize that my work is a reflection of my experiences, then I can only agree that my drawings simply depict skulls.

Svyat Nes | Horde

Are there specific life events or experiences that directly influence certain works? Could you share more about one of those pieces?

I wouldn’t stand out if I described my life as a continuous adventure. The only question remains how acutely I perceive the complex aspects of this journey. One of the hardest moments is loss — the moment when our paths part and we are forever separated. I’ve been through the loss of friends and loved ones, which can be incredibly debilitating. But what really affects me is the experience of depersonalization, self-loathing and dissatisfaction with my appearance, actions and deeds.In times of unbearable pain, I smoke up to 42 cigarettes a day and create my own works of acrylic art.

Svyat Nes | Cant have

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