Describe your art in three words: “Breadcrumbs” to understand who I am, where I come from and where I am going in a series of reincarnations.
Your discipline: This is to work on my energies in order to live in one creative flow with the entire Universe.
Your statement mentions the connection between creative flow and the development of modern civilization. Could you elaborate on how you see art playing a role in this flow?
Art is the pinnacle of human perfection in any aspect of its activity – in the architecture of buildings and bridges, in fashion, in cooking, in the design of parks and gardens, etc. There is just a house, and there is a house as a work of art, in which the laws of mathematics and beauty are embedded. As an artist, I have reflected only the creative flow itself in my work “Creative Flow”, access to which is available to any person who is able to see, love and feel this world in all its diversity.
ARTuR | Nonlinearity of time
How does your travel and experiences in different places influence your artwork? Does your view of the world change when you’re in different environments?
Yes, of course. We all influence each other when communicating. Our worldview changes when meeting with another culture and traditions. At the same time, there comes an understanding that this world is fragile and illusory, at the same time that this world is beautiful in all its diversity. Illusoryness is in people’s ideas about the norms of beauty and behavior, etc.
Your paintings often have a sense of movement and energy. How do you aim to evoke emotions through your brushstrokes and use of color?
If you look at this world from the point of view of the laws of physics – then everything is energy, the movement of energy and the transition of energy from one state to another. If you look at the picture “Be in the Moment” – it takes effort from a person to be in the moment – like monitoring the balance of the body on the water and watching the appearance and disappearance of bubbles. How to monitor the energies of the sun, wind, earth and water around you. If a person is in his thoughts, he will not see any change in the color of the waves, or bubbles on the water, or a change in the direction of the wind. Regarding the choice of colors, I always rely on my intuition during the creative flow, since “Intuition is a sacred gift. Reason is an obedient servant” (A. Einstein)
ARTuR | Be in the moment
Can you share more about how you balance abstraction and representational elements in your work? How do you decide when to incorporate a more abstract or concrete form?
The birth of a painting occurs in several stages. The first stage is the appearance of insight in my life or thoughts on some dialectical question. The second stage – I look with my inner gaze at this abstract essence of insight or the result of thoughts. I finish and rewrite the image that appeared in my head many times over several months until I come to some satisfactory result. The third stage is to transfer the picture from my head to the canvas. Honestly, it often happens that the picture in my head and on the canvas are very different. Because when in a creative flow, spontaneous changes are made.
You describe yourself as a “traveler through time and space.” How does this perspective influence the way you create art and engage with your audience?
Since I travel through time and space, I paint pictures that would make people think that this world is created perfectly in all its aspects and people need to learn to be happy. How to do this? Learn to be in the moment, be able to enter the creative flow in our work, understand and use the non-linearity of time to change our future and not get upset that something in life is not going according to our plan, but simply learn to accept and love everything.
ARTuR | Colors of life
Your project “Colors of Life” seems to emphasize the choices we make daily. How do you think our choices in life shape the colors of our existence, both literally and metaphorically?
You have correctly noted the pattern of color selection and its influence on people. The reverse pattern can also be traced – in different states of mind, people choose different colors. Established expressions such as “light in the soul”, “black heart”, “dark and light worlds” are used by people precisely for this reason. Human choice every day determines which path a person takes. I will give an excerpt from my poem:
We came into this world to play our game,
To choose the path of darkness or of light.
All else we take is only for a frame,
And nothing truly ever holds us tight.
I also have a work called “Choice: Grounding and Liberation”. This is a work in two parts, which clearly displays the colors of departure into dark worlds and the colors of liberation from suffering.
ARTuR | Choice – Grounding and Liberation
What do you hope people take away from your art when they experience it? Is there a specific message or feeling you want to convey through each piece?
My paintings are my path of choice and liberation from suffering, an exit from a state of deep depression to a state of inner joy and peace. This is a desire to share these insights with other people and convey to viewers that we came to this world to change only ourselves in order to become happy. The world created by God is already perfect. And happiness and love are inside us, not outside. In a state of inner light, a person is able to understand all the laws of this universe, its harmony and beauty in full.
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