Gerardo Hernandez Blancarte
I’m based out of Los Angeles, Ca. I was born in 1984. I have a bachelors in business administration. My works lately are acrylic and mixed media on canvas & wood. My art in three words: purposeful, thoughtful & emotive.
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How did your journey as an artist begin, and what drew you to watercolor animals in the early stages of your career?
What motivated your transition to acrylics and mixed media, and how has it influenced your creative process?
The need to want to keep growing and producing unique works of art motivated to transition into mixed media. This has enabled me to add different tones, dimensions & elements to my work. My creative process has been influenced by having more tools to work with. A good example is in my piece “Through the Blue” where the outline of the waves have a silver touch to them, mimicking the reflections of the seas and adding more depth, meaning and curiosity to my work.
Your art reflects phases inspired by your Mexican-American heritage, animals, skylines, and surrealism. How do these diverse themes interconnect in your work?
The themes of my works have sometimes connected and sometimes have just been different phases of my life. I started painting many Mexican American pieces as a tribute to my roots. I painted them in traditional styles during a phase where I was still honing my skills. When I transitioned to skylines I paid homage to some of my favorite cities around the world. Lately my tribute has been to nature, life and human emotions.
Gerardo Blancarte, Through the blue, 2024
Could you share more about the thought process and emotions that go into creating a piece, especially the balance between beauty and the years of dedication behind it?
The thought process behind a piece varies, depending if I’m doing one piece or a series with a theme. Lately I’ve been painting animals but I have combined skylines and surrealistic aspects behind them. One of my latest pieces “City Escape” was an idea that was years in the making. Having painted skylines and animals it occurred to me in a dream, why not combine them one day while touching up on themes such as the environment & pollution. Sometimes the process takes years other times it comes right away, but when it comes you must do your best to capture it.
Your recent focus on nature is fascinating. How do you choose the subjects, like birds or blue whales, and what do they represent in your narrative?
The subjects are often chosen based on the message or theme I want to convey. Birds to me often represent a free spirit, full of inner calmness but also adventure and exploration. In the piece “Words of Wisdom” you see a calm Oriole surrounded by chaos, reminding itself to “Let it Be”. Blue whales in my pieces often represent intelligence, matureness, curiosity & journeys. In “Through the Blue” it represents all those but there’s also a play off the name itself and the color & how one can navigate through a blue period.
Gerardo Blancarte, Words of wisdom, 2024
What challenges or inspirations have shaped your 20-year journey as an artist?
The same natural curiosity that got me into painting has stayed prominent in continuing to expand as an artist. Recent health concerns have motivated me to stay active and productive making new art and hoping my that my pieces move people as much as they move me.
What advice would you give to aspiring artists who are exploring diverse mediums and styles like you have?

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